Dental X-Rays

Taking X-rays seriously

We do believe the judicious use of dental x-rays is in our patients' best interests. And you deserve to know why.

X-rays aren't just another part of our office routine. We rely, first and foremost, on a clinical examination-that is, we look inside your mouth. Then we ask ourselves, what information do we expect to find with X-rays that will benefit this patient? If there is no good answer, we won't recommend X-rays.

X-rays: What you should know

  1. New X-ray equipment reduces the size of the beam, and eliminates "scatter"-photons bouncing around the room.
  2. Fast film requires much less exposure time.
  3. Lead aprons are almost 100% effective against exposing other arts of your body to radiation.
  4. We monitor our equipment faithfully to keep timers precise, everything up to snuff.

We work with X-rays every day-they are our "eyes." There would be a very different kind of dentistry without them.

As a consumer, you can protect yourself, too!

Feel free to ask us why you need an X-ray. Don't insist on it just because "it's time." Let us know when you are having X-rays for medical reasons. If you move, or we refer you to a specialist, ask for your X-rays to be sent to your new doctor.

 Call for an appointment:
(800) 334-2057

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The Institute Of Dentistry
Practice Photo

Dr. Orest Frangopol

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The Institute Of Dentistry
14437 Meridian Parkway
Riverside, CA 92508
General Info: (800) 334-2057